We have launched version 5 of our route optimization website. Amazing community build maps are now used throughout the service and a lot of exiting features have been added.

We have launched version 5 of our route optimization website. Amazing community build maps are now used throughout the service and a lot of exiting features have been added.
A new contestant for our Openstreetmap routing competition enters the ring: Graphhopper. Will it stand up against the renowned routers OSRM and Gosmore?
We need a whole lot of point-to-point routes for our multi-stop routing system. As we use Openstreetmap as a source for this, we’ve set up a comparison between two well-known OSM routing systems: Gosmore and OSRM.
Om de routeplanner voor meerdere bestemmingen verder te verbeteren, zijn we altijd op zoek naar nieuwe bronnen van geografische informatie die we kunnen gebruiken. In onze zoektocht hebben we twee mooie initatieven gevonden.