What is RouteXL?
RouteXL is a route planning service for multiple addresses. It finds the fastest directions to multiple destinations in one run. RouteXL sorts your stops in the optimal order for the most logical journey. Easy and fast.

Why is RouteXL free?
The route planner is free for use up to 20 stops per route. The free and open data of OpenStreetMap is the base map we use for our routing. We’ve also used a lot of open source software to build upon. That’s why we’re giving back.

My addresses end up on the wrong place on the map?
Finding addresses on the map is a difficult task (read more). First, always make sure your addresses are complete. Second, there are some settings you can use to optimize the result. At Options > Geocoding you can select another geocoding service, e.g. Mapbox, and add an address suffix, e.g. “United States”.

Why does the route finding take so long?
To find the fastest order of your destinations, the algorithm needs to know all travel durations between all points. If you have 10 stops, there are 11 x 10 = 110 travel durations required, each representing one A to B route calculation. Next to that, the sorting algorithm itself is complex and time consuming.

How can I help to speed things up?
Group addresses that are close together, for example: combine all shops in a shopping mall to one destination. Make sure the addresses you import are correct and complete. Before finding the route, check if all addresses are well placed on the map.

I’ve got addresses in Excel. How can I import these?
You can import addresses with the Import button. Copy all addresses in Excel (Ctrl-c) and paste them in the textarea (Ctrl-v). Make sure each address is on one single line. In other words, street address, zip code, city and country. For example:
Jan Ligthartstraat 1, 1817 MR Alkmaar, Nederland

It does not work. I am getting error messages. What’s wrong?
Make sure you have the latest version of our routeplanner. To reload the website without browser cache, press Ctrl-Shift-r (Windows) or Command-Option-r (Apple). If that does not help, check our support forum for common problems and solutions.

I can’t see the map, all is grey/white/black?
Our maps are supplied by third-party map tile suppliers. There can be a temporary problem on their side, or on the internet connection between our two systems. You can solve this by selecting another map style at Options > Styling > Map Style.

How do I load a route on my gps / satnav / navigation device?
We do not support navigation systems, because there are so many brands, makes and versions. Also, the software on these devices changes through updates. When you have a route on the map, press the Download button to find various file formats to download, like GPX, ITN, CSV or KML. Check the user manual of your device which file to use and how to upload.

Which gps / satnav / navigation device do you advise?
Some recent TomTom and Garmin models were test, check our demo videos. Those tested are a safe choice. But more important when you buy a new device, is to check with the sales representative which file formats the device can import.
For professional use with multi vehicles, we advise TomTom PRO with WEBFLEET. We’ve partnered with Webfleet Solutions and are able to offer seamless, wireless import and export.

I have upgraded but I can’t add more than 20 addresses?
Probably your session has expired. Do this to create a new session:
1. Log off, close the browser completely (all tabs and windows), wait 10 seconds
2. Open the website, log on again, press the Reset button and wait 10 seconds
3. Check the number of addresses at the Import button

I have got an access code. How do I use it?
The access code can be used via the Extra button in the bottom right corner. There is a small link to use access codes. Tap the link and enter the code. Once activated, the upgrade is available for 24 hours from that same location, based on your IP address. If you close the website, you may need to re-enter the code.

I’ve paid via PayPal but I did not get an access code?
Upgrades via Paypal are applied to your user account. You will not receive an access code. All you need to do is log on and you’re ready to go. Log on on the website via the link on the top or via Options > Account.

Why do you have a “no refund” policy?
RouteXL is not a physical product, but an online service that is available directly upon payment. We follow the guidelines that Paypal has set for intangible products and services. However, if you timely signal problems to us and work with us to find a solution, we will be lenient.

We’ve got a website / system / application / app that needs routes. Is there an API?
There is a very simple and basic route optimization API. An even simpler method to connect is our deeplink, by just adding addresses in the URL.

Does RouteXL connect to TomTom Telematics WEBFLEET?
We are a partner of Webfleet Solutions, the company formerly known as TomTom Telematics before Bridgestone took over. Our route planner can import and export orders to their WEBFLEET fleet management platform. It’s also available in our free plan.
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Do you have a user guide?
Our documentation is online at wiki.routexl.com

I have got an great idea. Were do I go?
We have a support forum for ideas, questions and problems.